Below are a couple of pictures Nate took on our dive at "Gorilla Chop" with Carey. We went there because it is one of the few places to dive when the weather is not cooperating. The anemone fish are guarding their anemone and even bit Nate's finger to scare him away! The video at the end of the blog shows how territorial they can be.

To celebrate our third anniversary, which happened to fall on a national holiday (Labor Thanksgiving Day), we took a taxi to Sam's by the Sea, a delicious steak and seafood restaurant. The taxi ride there was awesome! The driver spoke very little English and we spoke very little Japanese, so the next taxi driver in line at the taxi stop came and helped out. Luckily we had a coupon so they could read the Japanese and figured out how to get to the restaurant. A third taxi driver generously gave us two Okinawan oranges for the ride. We got very lost on the way and finally had to stop and ask for directions. We were close to an American base so Nate was able to get directions. The meal and the Awamori-ritas were delicious and the taxi ride home was much less exciting. I told the driver our address in Japanese and when we got close I tried to explain where to go and he said, in English, "Please just show me." Who knew he spoke English the whole time?!