Susan enjoyed eating Soki Soba and even started eating sushi!
Nate was protecting himself from Habu (snakes) as he walked down this "trail" made of concrete into the jungle.
We also went to the Reimer House where Susan made instant friends with Maika and Seira and Jamie sensei made instant friends with a praying mantis.
Susan warmed up to Karaoke in a private room pretty quickly.
Nate made friends with the fisherman at Motobu port before our trip to Ie jima. We took the 30 minute ferry to this small island for the day.
We did some snorkeling and lots of driving around. We even tackled the arduous climb to the top of Mt. Gusuku (172 meters high). Concrete stairs to the top make it a steep climb. We often had to stop and make room for the elderly ladies with umbrellas who were descending from the top and laughing at our tiredness.
A view from the top.
We did a lot of snorkeling while Susan was here. She really enjoyed being in the water.
On Ie jima, we saw a school of squid!
Susan even fed some goats at Zanpa and went swimming under the waterfall at Tadake falls.
And most impressive, Susan kept a blog of her trip. To see more go to: