Saturday, October 19, 2013

T$ meets Ella

Tricia made her third trip to Okinawa to meet Ella this week. We had a great time and Ella really likes T$!

We pretty much spent the week eating. We had some Teppanyaki steak, King Tacos, Pizza, Sushi, and Sashimi!

And of course, we got nine scoops of ice cream on the 19th, where Tricia went into the 25 degree Celsius cooler to check out the ice cream first hand.

We did manage to fit some exercise into our schedule. We did a lot of walking and even played some racquetball, which Trish was a pro at.

Trish and Ella spent a lot of time together at the apartment too. It was a bit cramped with Trish sleeping in the kitchen, but we managed.

As usual, Ella was very popular wherever we went.  I'm not sure if Ella or the locals are more excited to meet each other.

We had a great visit and were sad to see Trish go, but we are looking forward to our next visitors. Mom and Dad White are coming in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Adventure in Poland

A few weeks ago we went on another trip.  This time to Poland for an amphipod conference. Ella was a pleasant traveler as usual, but she was a bit discombobulated once we finally arrived in Krakow.

 Krakow is a beautiful city with lots of fresh berries, mushrooms, and windows full of perogies!

 You can also buy delicious pretzel-bread from street vendors on just about every corner.

 The members of the meeting all went on an excursion to see some castles and went rafting down a river. It was beautiful, but a bit chilly!

There was a traditional bbq on the last night of the meeting, which was a lot of fun.  It was great to visit with old friends, eat more delicious food, and drink homemade beer.

Ella was quite a hit among the meeting participants, quickly becoming the meeting mascot with her own amphipod onesie!

The trip home was long, but Ella got her own bassinet on the airplane and was quite smiley the whole time.