Amamioshima is a very interesting island with many very high mountains, an endemic black rabbit, and giant beans! Below is the view from one of the highest points on the island. Click on the picture for the full effect. We were so high that we were in a cloud forest!

Last year's rainy season was very wet, causing many avalanches. As we drove along the mountain roads there were many roadblocks where one lane was covered in rocks and dirt. In a few places, the road had even collapsed!

The Amami rabbit, Pentalagus furnessi, which is very primitive looking with short ears and long front legs. We didn't see any of them, but we did see many caution signs due to their decreasing population. Their numbers are decreasing due to feral cats and dogs, the introduced mongoose (to cut down on the Habu population), and cars.
We went to this beach with very smooth rocks due to erosion where Obuchi-san felt like rolling down the slope. We also saw the giant beans, Entada phaseoloides, in a very pre-historic looking forest.

We did a lot of diving in VERY cold water. Samui des, ne! We went out on a boat with a diving shop and did two dives for two days. After the second dive each day, I literally couldn't feel my fingers or toes. It was worth it though, because I found hundreds of amphipods! In the picture below you can actually see two amphipods (arrows) inside this clear tunicate (a.k.a. ascidian or sea squirt).

We saw dolphins from the boat between dives. They were the first ones I've seen in Japan and the first ones Megumi ever saw! It was a very exciting day. We saw this giant green sea turtle on our dive as well.

We also did a bit of shopping and found this great t-shirt! I don't know how they come up with the sayings. And we found some nice melons. Check out the price on those! That translates into $34 per melon. I think I'll pass.

Below are two movies. The first is of the dolphins from the boat and the second is of a soldier crab eating. We saw hundreds of soldier crabs walking on the sand flat at low tide to check out the mangrove forest.
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