We have started way too late, but it is time for us to get our Japanese driver licenses. We currently have international driver licenses, but those will expire on August 2, after we have been here one year! (Time flies when you are having fun.)
It is illegal to renew an international driver license, so to skip the possibility of being deported, we will attempt to get an official Japanese driver license. Make sure you are sitting down...this could take awhile.
First, you have to get your current U.S.A. driver license translated for 3000 yen. This is only possible if you were issued your license at least three months prior to coming to Japan. I renewed mine just before we came, so I can't even start the process. I am currently waiting for an official driver record from Mississippi to prove I had my license for three months and then I can go get a translation done.
Nate completed this first step and went for a 45 minute drive to the driver license center to apply for a Japanese license. This costs 2400 yen. Then you can take an eye test. This is the easy part. After you pass, you schedule your appointment for the written test. Nate had to go back one week later.
The written test costs 2650 yen (each time you have to take it) but is only 10 multiple choice questions and the test is available in English, so Nate passed! Then you go to another counter to schedule your driving test. This costs 2000 yen for the test and 1650 yen to rent a car for the test (again, each time you have to take the test). This photo shows the course for the test.

There are rumors of people passing on the first try, but it seems that the average is 6-7 times before you pass. Driving course, no big deal right? Well, the catch is you have to say everything out loud and if you miss anything you fail. The test starts as you walk to the car and you have to check in front, behind, and under the car for small children or people. You can imagine the rest of the things they are looking for. Nate failed test number 1, but no surprise there...test number two in on Wednesday!
Gosh, I hope the driving test is not life as usual. Does Oscar know about that teeter totter?