The costumes were very exciting, starting with the bearded lady and Jamie below. We had lots of tasty treats, including Frankenstein's fingers. We also had chicken and dumplings, tamales, smoked salmon dip, cheesecake, chocolate peanut butter tofu pie, pound cake, and homemade Okinawan donuts!
Maika and Seira had a lot of fun with the Halloween stickers they got. Most of them ended up on Seira's bottom or somewhere in the apartment.
Instead of pin the tail on the donkey, we played pin the glasses on Takuma. Dr. Jamie was having fun moving Takuma around after the blindfold was placed on the contestant.
We also played the wrap the mummy game, which was very exciting. There were some very well-wrapped mummies.
Costumes started evolving, operations were being done, and we started to bob for apples. Yukari was the smart one, who realized that we forgot to remove the stems of the apples and didn't even get wet bobbing for her apple.
Things got interesting after this, ending with a pyramid in the kitchen.
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