A newer way of celebrating is with Ehoumaki (lucky long sushi rolls). There are four rules for this ritual.
1. You make a long sushi roll with 7 kinds of food inside.
2. You do not cut the sushi roll.
3. You eat the roll facing this year's luck direction with your eyes closed (NNW for 2012).
4. You can not talk while eating.
We went to a Ehoumaki party, but for those of us who are less talented at rolling sushi, it got very messy toward the end.
Kris' amphipods have had babies! You can see a tiny amphipod that resembles an adult in the photo below (bottom right). There is an adult on the left side of the photo.

Whoa..........is that a first? If not, I am still impressed. But that is nothing new. Looks like fun party. Hey, I was in that room!