Megumi's friend Hikaru lives on the island so we had lots of great company on our trip!

The weather was great the first day, but then a mini-typhoon came along, so we did a lot of sightseeing and not so much diving. What we did see in the ocean was really beautiful.

We went to a family-run sugar cane factory, which has changed my view of sugar forever. We watched this family (four generations) make brown sugar from the liquid in harvested sugar cane. After the cane is dried in the road (literally spread out on the road), it is used to fuel the fire to heat the liquid sugar. The liquid is then cooked and moved between vats until it becomes very thick. Then it is stirred and dried to become what we know as brown sugar.

These piles of sugar are then hand scooped into plastic bags,weighed, and sealed. The neighbors can smell when the sugar is ready and come to buy some. The rest is sent to the market to sell. The video below shows one part in the sugar making process.
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